
eat your type

i'm a type A. no, not that kind of type A. those kind of type A's would never try to slow down.

i'm a blood type A.

a while back i was introduced to the concept of eating based on your blood type. the person that told me about it swears by it (she happens to be a type A also.) up to this point in my life, i haven't been all that into dietary stuff, but i'm starting to think a lot more about it. and i have to admit, this idea really intrigues me.

i found this website that discusses differences in blood types. but it goes well beyond eating. it also talks about what makes each type an individual, gives some history, strategies for handling stress, appropriate exercise, life style strategies, and even talks about how other cultures view the blood type. kind of like we might use the meyer's-briggs, they assign personality traits to each blood type, and might even go as far as to ask your blood type in an interview!

i found the information rather enlightening and was shocked at how accurately it depicted me. it actually shed a lot of light on things i always thought were just these weird quirks about me.

here's what the opening paragraph said about me and my types:
"Intense and intellectually curious, blood type A individuals are best suited to a plant-based diet. When in balance, they are capable of tremendous bursts of creativity and self-expression. Physically, type A must concentrate on maintaining the health of their cardiovascular and immune systems.

plant-based diet? yuck. | balance? yes!

they also claim that based on blood type, people "are susceptible to different diseases, they should eat different foods and exercise in a completely different manner."

hmm. that seems logical enough.

this stuff totally fascinates me. i may just give it a try. check it out for yourself.


Anonymous said...

1Super interesting! I went to the website and the 1st paragraph for me seemed pretty on target. So are you going to try it? Mine suggested I stop eating chicken! This is practically impossible since all I eat is chicken!

Sara K. said...

Wow, that's neat! Now how do I figure out my blood type??

Banjo Barron said...

YOu are what you eat! Don't forget to exercise to keep the balance.